Thursday, October 8, 2009

At the Carwash

Oh, yes, friends, the BBRC is back in action. We at the BBRC would like to take the opportunity to welcome the new members into the reading club and bid a hello to the old. This week, we have a spectacular story by our favourite author, Rebeccah Love Ervin, entitled "At the Carwash," which is guaranteed to seduce your senses. So sit back, enjoy a glass of Cognac by the fire with your favourite loved one, and experience "At the Carwash."

Junior had been sitting at the cash register all day. His excitement had been building for what seemed like hours. He had been watching Betty, one of the towel girls, wiping down cars after the cars had beenwashed, and it was getting to be that time of day to start closing down. He had harboured a deep and secret longing for the girl ever since she began working at the Stop 'n' Soak a few months earlier. It was just the two of them closing, as he had arranged, and as the other towel girls left, he knew this was the only excuse he needed.
"Say, Betty?" Junior said, coming up behind her, "Can I tells ya'sumpin'?"
"I reckon," Betty replied, turning to face him.
"Well, see here, now, I thinks I kinda taken a shine to ya' in the lastfew months...and I thinks you're real pretty-like."
"Oh, Junior, ain't you just the sweetest thang!"
Junior shuffled his feet and looked at his shoes for a moment, "I wantsyou real bad."
Not a second later, Betty was all over him like flies on manure. She kissed him once, then stopped to take out her partials, and she kissed him again. It gave Junior the warm comfortable feeling like hewere kissing a Jack-O-Lantern about four weeks after Halloween was over. He took off his grease-stained John Deere cap, exposing his receding hairline that had recently been treated with a Just for Men hair coloring. He began to caress Betty over her stone-washed, tapered jeans. His hand slipped and hit the button which started the car wash, and before they knew it, they were sprayed with water. Betty's t-shirt was soaked through and Junior could see the remnants of her botched boob job. It looked as if she had a nipple missing, but Junior dove right in. He began to buff one breast, then the other, not noticing one was an A cup and one was a C cup. Betty unhooked Junior's overalls and pushed them down over his paunch, then began to kiss one of his four chins. Junior managed to get Betty out of her painted-on pants and soon, she freed his man-hose. They tumbled to the ground, the result of sneaking the Jim Beam shooter bottles from the cooler all day. Junior climbed on top of Betty and placed his gas nozzle into her fuel tank. He waxed her and buffed her to a high shine, then, in one glorious moment, the two exploded together, as if her cell phone had rung while there were gas fumes in her front seat. They lay together on the wet concrete of the car wash, tapped out like the keg they sometimes kept in the manager's office. Junior rolled off Betty and lit a wet cigarette he had fished out of his pocket.
"Well, honey," he said, "that was better than new car smell."

We at the BBRC hope you enjoyed another classic tantalizing tale by our resident author, Rebeccah Love Ervin. You can purchase this story for home use for only three and a half easy payments of $7.98 ($3.71s/h). Order now and receive a free penis-shaped air freshener for your car. Mmm, smells like bubble bubble gum.

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