Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rock You Like a Hurricane

Hello. This is your newest weekly installment of the latest in BBRC passages from Rebeccah Love Ervin's latest bestsellers. This week, we'd like to spotlight a classic of Rebeccah Love Ervin's, "Rock You Like a Hurricane." We at BBRC prefer to deviate from the newer novels every once in a while to revive old classics such as this stunning passage from Rebeccah Love Ervin's first novel. So sit back and enjoy "Rock You Like a Hurricane."

The hurricane warning sirens had been going off for the last ten minutes. The whole town was silent and waiting. Constance and Barnaby were huddled together in a shelter Barnaby had built after the last hurricane. One can never be too careful. Barnaby couldn't help but notice Constance's heaving breasts trembling with fear and, since they were the only two in the shelter, this was the only excuse Barnaby needed.
"I do declare, Mizz Constance, but you are shakin' like the devil himself's got inta you. Let me hold you and do the Southern Gentlmenly thing to do, just like on tha plantation."
"My good heavens, Mr. Barnaby, would you? I'm so frightened."
Barnaby put his arms under her shirt with the kittens on it and around Constance's chub and held her love handles with the kind of tenderness only a gentlman from Biloxy would. She felt comforted by him and leaned further back into his arms. Slowly, Barnaby's hands moved to Constance's overflowing bounty as he moved in for the kill. His hands explored her body as the impending hurricane's presence was beginning to make itself known. He moved his hands down her hot pink stretch pants and she moaned with pleasure as he reaped her crop. She could see through his tight stone-washed jeans that he was getting excited. She ran her fingers through his hockey-player's mullet haircut and down to his pants. She stroked him until he could take no more. He took out her partial, flipped her over, pulled off her stretch pants and went top dollar with the gold flea collar. Outside, the hurricane had arrived and reached it max force. Inside, Barnaby continued to work Constance over until finally, they climaxed in unison as the house above them was ripped right off it's foundation.
"Well, darlin'," Barnaby said, "that's what I call a good blow."

We at BBRC hope you enjoyed the previous passage from Rebeccah Love Ervin's first ever bestselling novel, "Rock You Like a Hurricane." You can order her novel for three easy payments of $29.95 (+4.95 s/h). Act now and recieve a lifetime supply of strawberry flavored KY Jelly absolutely free. Thank you, from BBRC.

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