Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Great Outwhores

Oh, friends. Yes. It is, in fact, that time. Time for a BBRC installment just in time for the summer. Rebeccah Love Margolin, having taken a hiatus to spend time on a Kibbutz in Israel, and having a new appreciation for the earth and all nature has to offer, has written a wonderful tale of outdoor delights. "The Great Outwhores" is a sinfully scintillating tale of moutainous mirth and merriment, and for those of you who like an occasional walk in the woods, this one's for you. So sit back, grab some s'mores, and enjoy "The Great Outwhores."

Robespierre couldn't believe his luck. When his father insisted he get a summer job as a trail guide in the state park, he was convinced he was in for the most boring summer of his life. He couldn't fathom spending the last of his free time before college swatting at bugs with a third degree sunburn on his neck, but that was before he met Antoinette, the head trail guide. O! what a beauty she was, indeed! Her stringy jet black fe-mullet with the platinum roots gleamed like shoe polish with spit on it in the afternoon sun. Her pig-like snout turned up just enough to see her nosehairs glistening like spider webs, the boogers like insects unfortunate enough to be caught that day. What he was most attracted to was the way she wore her state park-issued khakis two sizes too small, her waist hanging over the waistline in perfect muffin-top fashion. Now that he was on individual training with her in the middle of the woods, it was the only excuse he needed.
"Uh, Antoinette?" Robespierre's said, his voice cracking in the last throes of adolescence.
"Yes, Robespierre, what is it? You sound excited. Did you find some kind of rare brush?"
"Um, no. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you taking me out on the trail, and...you know...showing me around and stuff. Plus I think you're hot."
"Oh, really?" Antoinette asked intently.
"Oh yeah."
"Oh Robespierre, you have no idea how I've longed for you to say that." Antoinette smiled coyly at Robespierre, the gaps between her teeth offering peeks of her seductively lolling tongue . "Take me! Take me now!"
Robespierre and Antoinette came together in a way which was not unlike two bighorn sheep colliding high on the rocky slopes. Antoinette ripped off Robespierre's shirt, exposing his gleaming white, almost transluscent pidgeon chest, and ran her fingers through his man-perm, the flakes of skin from the eczema on his scalp floating on the breeze like feathers. She noticed that his manhood had grown stiff and rigid as a branch on a petrified tree...and was running a sappy substance not unlike molassess in January. She assumed was smegma. He peeled off her clothing, exposing what was left of her dimpled, puckered flesh after her bout with flesh-eating bacteria the year before and lay her down in a soft bed of twigs, her breasts running into her armpits like the rolling stream into the mouth of a river. Robespierre wrestled his way through her furry crevasse using his buck knife before plunging his petrified branch into her bear den. Robespierre, still a young buck, thrust his manhood into her with the speed of a Jackalope. Soon, the two of them began to howl like coyotes in the night, taking each other to Everst-like heights of passion before exploding like an out of control forest fire.
"Well, darlin'," Robespierre said as they lay there spent like salmon swimming upstream, "You sure know how to rub my stick to start my fire."

We at the BBRC hope you enjoyed Rebeccah Love Margolin's newest work, "The Great Outwhores." You can order this, and other stirring passages from Rebeccah Love Margolin, for the low low price of $5.91 (+s/h). Order now and we'll send you a special tube of maple syrup flavored bondage latex, a $100 value, absolutely free as our gift to you!

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